Wednesday, 10 September 2014

I support British Columbia Teachers

If you have me on Facebook (which you probably do) then this is no surprise. And for those outside of the BC realm I apologize for my sharing of so many articles about the strike. But you see this strike is important to me. I want public education to be an option for me next year when I send my oldest off to kindergarten. I don't want to be afraid of her slipping through the cracks as the years go bt and us having mountains of homework as I try to keep her caught up with the "smart" kids aka self learners. If that is the case I will home school. And as a home schooled kid that turned out okay (my opinion of course) I am not opposed to that option. But outside of my own investment I know there are many parents who are not cut out for homeschooling. And there are many children who do not have very involved parents anyways and school is an escape for them. That is a sad reality. And while people are not very happy with their kids not being in school right now, a child missing even a year of school is not the end of the world. But we need to consider the long run. Cutbacks and schools closing should not be in our education system. Kids should be receiving the best education possible and that means happy teachers who love their job. A stressed out, broke teacher is not a happy teacher. Well, I guess some might be stressed out and broke and still happy but you know what I mean. 

I could cover all the points made in favour of teachers but I won't. The fact they won two court cases but our government is dragging this out, costing us tax dollars and looking pathetic to a lot of  people is one. The amount of cutbacks that have happened is another. There is a logical and acceptable answer to most complaints the pro-government peeps squeal out. The people who mock teachers and tell them to get a real job or act like the don't do anything of course should all have to spend a month in the current conditions and see how well they fair. Just because you break a sweat at your job doesn't mean you work harder. Anybody who actually wants to see things from the teacher's side will find it easy to do so. And I am not saying the BCTF is all right. But I will say from where I am sitting and what I have heard and read from both sides, I am on the side of the teacher's.

I wish I could be more eloquent on the subject and convey how passionately I feel about this. Me, someone who feels the way we educate children needs an overhaul, is siding with the teachers. I side with the teachers because I side with children. And if anyone deserves our taxes it is our children. So to my teacher friends and family. Hold the Line. I only wish I could do more to help you.

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